All EnviroMentors modules are adapted to any learning stage, designed to engage students through movement and fun activities. We also offer specialised workshops for Early Learning Centres and High Schools (scroll down for details)!
Workshops run for 45 minutes to 1 hour, with educators conducting up to 5 sessions per day. All sessions also include a follow-up resource pack, and have demonstrated links to the NSW ACARA curriculum, which you can request by getting in touch.
In The Bin

What goes in which bin? Students learn the appropriate and safe bin to place waste items in, and what happens to their waste depending on where it goes – to landfill, a recycling centre, or to be turned into compost. Tricky waste like e-waste and fast fashion are discussed, emphasising the environmental importance of diverting waste from landfill.

Refusing, reducing, repurposing, reusing and recycling! The transition to a circular economy is broken down and applied to the local scale, including the meaning and benefits of recycling, different recyclable materials, how to recycle correctly, and the creation of recycled products. Alternatives to disposal of our rubbish are also explored.
Lunches Unwrapped

Students recap the fate of their waste depending on where it goes – to a landfill, recycling centre or turned into compost. They localise the importance of diverting waste from landfill to their school grounds through the concept of low-waste “Nude Food” lunches, exploring ways to reduce food and single-use plastic waste in their everyday lives.
School Waste Audit

1-2 In The Bin, Recycling, or Lunches Unwrapped workshops explore what happens to waste depending on where it goes. At the end of the day, a selected class or student committee will complete a Waste Audit of school bins to assess what is being sent to landfill from your school, and guide students to address the issue.
Composting + Worm Farming

Exploring how to maintain an organic waste recycling system to divert food scraps and waste from landfill. Students enjoy discovering how a real worm farm looks and may have the chance to get close and personal with live worms! We can also help you set up your own composting program in lieu of one workshop.
Garbage to Garden

Students explore the origins of our food, and the benefits of gardening for the environment, food systems, and human wellbeing. Plant growth and photosynthesis is discussed, as well as how we can use recycled organic waste on the garden to cut down on food waste and promote healthy plant growth.

Coming soon!

Common types of littered materials in NSW, and the impact that these have on wildlife, people, and the environment. Students explore solutions to litter, including how to oppose the mentality behind littering behaviour, appropriate disposal of rubbish, and how to safely clean natural spaces.
Keeping Waterways Clean

Students consider the different paths that water takes to end up in their local waterways from our homes, schools, streets, and playgrounds. They localise issues of personal and industrial pollution to their local catchment and waterways, considering the impacts to water quality, biodiversity and enjoyment of blue space.
School Litter Audit

1-2 Litter or Keeping Waterways Clean workshops to discuss the issue of litter and pollution. At the end of the day, one selected class or student committee will complete a Litter Audit of school grounds to determine whether there is a litter problem at your school, and guide students to address the issue.
Saving Water

Students examine the water cycle, just how much potable water we have on earth, and the importance of this life-giving resource to people, given its many uses. The need to conserve, share and reuse our limited supplies of water at different scales are explored, including at home and school.
Energy & Climate

Coming soon!
In The Bin (Preschool Edition)

Introduces children to the concept of waste, including its impact on wildlife when it is littered, and where it goes when it is picked up from our houses (depending on which bin we put it in).
Garbage to Garden (Preschool Edition)

Children are introduced where our food comes from, how we can grow useful plants, and ways to recycle our food scraps with the help of worms and chickens.
Keeping Waterways Clean (Preschool Edition)

Coming soon!
School Waste Audit (High School Edition)

Students will assess their schools waste production by identifying major sources, types of waste being produced and evaluating the schools current recycling and composting programs. Teachers are provided with the collected data and follow up resources to assist them on their way to a more sustainable school. Option to add customisable discussion sessions for 1-3 classes.
School Litter Audit (High School Edition)

Students gather information about litter problems at their school. Students share their findings and use data to draw conclusions about the types of litter, where it comes from and what actions can be taken to prevent litter. Littering hotspots are identified, stormwater systems and management of litter are discussed. Option to add customisable discussion sessions for 1-3 classes.

Our school holiday modules are day-long programs for groups of up to 30 students, including some learning, and plenty of games, activities, and crafts.
- In The Bin (Extended OOSH Edition)
- Garbage to Garden (Extended OOSH Edition)
- Keeping Waterways Clean (Extended OOSH Edition)
Any topic from our Primary School or Early Learning Centre modules can be delivered at your library! These sessions typically run in the school holidays, and come with a printed workbook for all participants.

For all education enquiries and information about EnviroMentors, please get in touch!
SHANI PATEL | Education Programs Manager
Program Partners
Want to sponsor EnviroMentors? We’d love to have you – a range of partnership packages are available. Get in touch today!